About the book

Only Losers Will Win is a book about business as an occasion to think about the essence of what is happening to us and the world. It’s 222 pages of travel diaries and sketches from all over the world, precious memories, stories that life itself comes up with, side by side with reflections on the most challenging problems of the modern business world.

Only Losers Will Win consists from 12 chapters covering most of the fundamentals of the modern businees practice from startegy, vision, mission, hiring, cultural differences to project management and challenges of execution.

Book contains the drawings done by the author, was published in December 2021 and available in e-book version, soft cover and hard cover versions.

Pavel Verblyudenko

I like to travel, talk to the people and do new things

I’m the person who can (& love to) design the Companies’ strategies and then go the whole way from key building blocks and proper business case to the execution on the ground. I’m not an office person, I like to be in the Markets, learn and bring valuable changes. I’m easy traveler and with my expat experience (South Africa, Pakistan) I feel at home in any country.

I believe that great team can’t be built without Trust as fundamental, than healthy Conflict, common Commitment, Accountability and finally common Goal (as it’s perfectly described by Patrick Lencioni in his “5 Dysfunctions Of a Team”). Also though I trust my knowledge and multifunctional expertise I always admit I’m limited in my knowledge so alignment and constant sharing with the other team members is in my DNA.

I truly believe as our work is significant part of our life it’s my mission to help people to discover themselves, achieve greater self-fulfillment and finally “make their day every day” (“Fish: A Proven Way to Boost Morale and Improve Results” by Stephen C. Lundin). I love to coach and train, and have been doing it for the last 17 years




“Good reading…”



“I enjoy reading the book which is written by Pavel Verbludenko who is a man of the world. And Pavel talks about business in a way that is interesting to listen to.”

This is the book for you

If you are travel geek, but haven’t yet been to Karachi, Harare or Blagoveschensk and was not invited to the wedding of Eswatini King so far…

If you like reading business books, but tired of hundreds pages of boring case studies and advises on how to become a highly successful CEO

If you believe that every day at work can bring in your life joy, fun and become a very unique day